Author: David Jones

Building a Safer Future Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety: Final Report

A principled approach "At the heart of this report are the principles for a new regulatory framework which will drive real culture change and the right behaviours. We need to adopt a very different approach to the regulatory framework covering the design, construction and maintenance of high-rise...

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50 years on – Sam Webb, been campaigning on safety in tower blocks since the disaster at Ronan Point …

One man's battle to improve tower block safety Architect Sam Webb has campaigned to improve safety in tower blocks since four people died in Ronan Point 50 years ago.  He warned of fire spreading in high rises long before Grenfell. Martin Hilditch asks him what needs to be done to avoid future tragedies. ...

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Safety isn’t an add-on!

" .. My brother's life ended long before he had the opportunity to make it to 40 ... However, I believe we can bring about positive change, working together to ensure that in the lead up to his 40th the world of work is safer and healthier, and very many more people get to live their lives to the...

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ISO 45001: World’s first International Standard for occupational health and safety launches …

More than 70 countries were directly involved in the creation of this important document, developed by ISO/PC 283, Occupational health and safety management systems, with the British Standards Institution (BSI) serving as the committee secretariat ... published 12th March 2018 ISO 45001 sets out to...

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