CDM Competence Registry™®

The Institute of Construction Management agreed at a meeting of its National Executive in Brackley on 20th February 2010 to adopt a set of proposals in respect of membership, training standards and the creation of a Register of Competency™®

Members of The Institute of Construction Management [ICM] and all those who are not members who may be included on any ICM register must adhere and comply with the same Institute's Code of Professional Conduct [READ HERE]

A Framework of Ethical Professionalism to help ICM members and all those who are not members who may be included on any ICM register meet the same professional standards of behaviour required by the ICM Code of Professional Conduct [READ HERE]

The purpose of the register is to provide the construction industry as a whole with a list of competent persons which are vetted and can be researched with a view to appointing them to a particular project. The ICM recognises the importance that 'life long learning' plays in keeping members skills and knowledge up to date, and the need to keep abreast of changes in legislation and technological development.

As part of this process all grades [both ICM members and others] are required to undertake mandatory CPD and entry on to the 'Register' is conditional upon members and non-members of ICM being able to demonstrate compliance with mandatory CPD requirements.

Applications to the register are now open.

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