CDM, BSA, B.Regs ─ Dutyholders and Competence Regulations

CDM, BSA, B.Regs ─ Dutyholder and Competence Regulations The Building Regulations etc. (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2023 insert a new Part 2A into the Building Regulations 2010. This contains detailed requirements on clients to appoint designers and contractors who are competent and new duties...

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2022 ─ ICM Celebrating 180 Years since founding in 1842! ─ rising to the challenge of Digital Age Transformation ─ driving the future of a Safe Sector with Competent Organisations! ─ the voice for construction management …

"Wow! ─ what an incredible couple of years!" ─ at the start of 2022 David Jones shares our vision bringing the past, present and future into an interesting alignment with anecdotal waypoints along the recent unique ICM timeline ... ... '20/20 Vision' ─ a term used to express normal visual acuity...

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Off-payroll working (IR35) ─ changes to the working rules from 6 April 2020

From April 2020 the rules for engaging individuals through personal service companies are changing. The responsibility for determining whether the off-payroll working rules (sometimes known as IR35) apply will move to the organisation receiving an individual’s services. The Employment Status Manual...

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Technical Due Diligence ─ Redefined by RICS … adopted by ICM too!

RICS explain that Technical due diligence of property, when carried out by an RICS member or RICS registered firm, consists of the systematic review, analysis, discovery and gathering of information about the physical characteristics of a property and/or land (the property). The RICS member or RICS...

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The Yunnan Design Institute Delegation Visit The Institute of Construction Management

Looking to the future - Ready, and all systems go! ... a final study of the preparations and quiet focus on exemplary perfection! ... David Foley, Chief Executive of Dover District Chamber of Commerce later delivered an historic warm welcoming address to our VIP Delegation from Yunnan Design Institute...

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T Levels – new courses coming in September 2020 – ICM Registration

Reforming technical education and developing the T Level qualifications for post-16 students The Institute of Construction Management [ICM] already provide early training on risk management and hazard identification into secondary education at Year-8 Level - and will support and register post-16 students...

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Schools under responsibility of County Council have same dangerous cladding used on Grenfell Tower!

A report compiled by Independent Property Review Commission has specially highlighted concerns with Wentworh Primary School in Maldon, Danbury St Johns in Chelmsford and Buckhurst Hill Primary ... Edith Borthwick School in Braintree is to be visited by the county council (ECC) principal quality inspector...

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Safety, Quality, and Competence must be the focus for everything in construction

... quality design, quality products, quality services ... and ICM champions quality safety too! ... The ICM fully endorses and supports the general calls from all parts of of the sector to seize the opportunity to change the construction industry in the UK for the better, improving both safety,...

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How far should the ‘ban’ of combustible materials in high rise construction go? …

About the ‘ban’ of combustible materials in high rise construction: Jon Cumberlidge describes himself as a self professed 'Building Regs nerd' with almost two decades of experience within Construction and Regulatory Standards professions and, is both a Chartered Building Engineer and Chartered Builder...

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