Tag: building safety bill

The Criminality of Performing Professional Statutory Duties Without Proven Competencies in Building Regulatory Contexts

The Criminality of Performing Professional Statutory Duties Without Proven Competencies in Building Regulatory Contexts In the realm of construction law, the intersection between statutory duties and professional competencies is not merely a matter of regulatory compliance but also one of legal...

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The Institute of Construction Management recently responded to the British Standards Institute BSI consultation of their proposed publicly accessible standard (PAS) for principal designer

The Institute of Construction Management recently responded to the British Standards Institute BSI consultation of their proposed publicly accessible standard (PAS) for principal designer.  This is the new role which will come in to effect under the Building Safety Bill, and is not to be...

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2022 ─ ICM Celebrating 180 Years since founding in 1842! ─ rising to the challenge of Digital Age Transformation ─ driving the future of a Safe Sector with Competent Organisations! ─ the voice for construction management …

"Wow! ─ what an incredible couple of years!" ─ at the start of 2022 David Jones shares our vision bringing the past, present and future into an interesting alignment with anecdotal waypoints along the recent unique ICM timeline ... ... '20/20 Vision' ─ a term used to express normal visual acuity...

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Building Safety Bill ─ Residents’ Voice

Accountable Persons MUST ensure the effective assessment and management of their building’s safety Dame Judith Hackitt’s Independent Review found that residents did not have a strong enough voice in the management of their buildings. They often: ► did not have the chance to offer views and participate...

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HMO landlords and their managing agents could face unlimited fines following new measures revealed by the Home Office

Once legislation is in place, the unlimited fines will be handed out to building owners who are caught obstructing or impersonating a fire inspector as well as to those who breach fire safety regulations under the soon-to-be upgraded Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 legislation consultation...

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