The ICM Forums
These forums are made available to subscribers by the ICM ─ primarily intended for ICM members plus sectoral registered users to initially register a profile then login for access to issues that the general public and casual web visitors have only limited access to on the site ...
Ideal for training/CPD stuff, offers of help, help wanted, shared corporate information of general interest, and dealing with issues across the construction and built environment sectors ...
... sections of the forum are restricted to students; corporate members, and for ICM registered members and ICM Fellows providing additional access to ICM focused information and governance
The Reporting feature in this forum is an important function to keep the forum healthy, objective and functional. We do have a few Rules Of Conduct, Guidelines and/or Terms Of Service all users must observe please ...
... although ICM make this board available for you to create something of interest to others, there are general user expectations and we will act on topics or replies that are deemed in poor taste, offensive or in violation of published expectations:
No abusive or slanderous language is allowed.
Professional conduct and communication is expected of you.
No sharing offensive or inappropriate material.
No spamming.
No sharing materials that belong to someone else, unless you have their permission.
disagreements, negative opinions or points of view are healthy too and should not be discouraged, but they should not be personal or disparaging ─ neither should any text be put onto these forums that is in any way defamatory or that breaches GDPR. We want to foster a courteous, respectful and an open environment known as community posting etiquette for all users ...
[please note: the General Access Password [GAP] to this area has been removed to allow easier public access to the Forums -but- if the freedom is abused, the GAP will be again closed and restricted‼] ...
... if you need help to Register and Login please follow the instructions in the image below ... if you still need help please CLICK HERE

Sorry, only logged-in users can access the forum.