HMO landlords and their managing agents could face unlimited fines following new measures revealed by the Home Office

Once legislation is in place, the unlimited fines will be handed out to building owners who are caught obstructing or impersonating a fire inspector as well as to those who breach fire safety regulations under the soon-to-be upgraded Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 legislation consultation...

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BSi Guidance on Fire Risk Assessment ─ PAS 79-2 – would be withdrawn from sale “pending further consideration” …

BSI withdraws its new guidance on fire risk assessments after a bereaved Grenfell family threatened legal action, saying it ignored critical inquiry recommendations relating to people with disabilities. Sakina Afrasehabi, was a disabled woman who lived with her sister Fatemeh on the 18th floor of...

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The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking ─ a new UK product marking for goods being placed on the GB market ─ covers most goods previously requiring CE marking

UKCA mark requirements delayed for third time due to 'difficult economic conditions' ─ [15/11/2022 update] The government has given businesses two additional years to prepare for a new deadline of 31 December 2024, at which point the UKCA mark will be legally required for affected goods placed...

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The Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications (MRPQ) Directive (Directive 2005/36/EC) on the mutual recognition of qualifications will no longer apply from 1 January 2021

The MRPQ Directive will no longer apply to the UK and there will be no immediate system of reciprocal recognition of professional qualifications between the remaining EEA states and the UK Mutual Recognition Agreement The text of the Future Relationship with the EU features a framework under which...

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