HMO landlords and their managing agents could face unlimited fines following new measures revealed by the Home Office
Once legislation is in place, the unlimited fines will be handed out to building owners who are caught obstructing or impersonating a fire inspector as well as to those who breach fire safety regulations under the soon-to-be upgraded Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 legislation
consultation that began in July last year prompted by the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the results of which will be incorporated into the Building Safety Bill
As well as unlimited fines, these measures will include mandatory Fire Risk Assessments which MUST be recorded for each building and improvements to how fire safety information is communicated to regulatory authorities throughout the lifetime of a building
All HMO landlords and agents will have to up their game; the new measures include improving the quality of their Fire Risk Assessments and their COMPETENCE to complete them
David Jones - ICM's Director of Education & Training
Read the Home Office document here
Ed [published 19/03/2021]
Building Regulation, building safety, building safety bill, building safety manager, CDM Competence, competence, competent person, compliance, fire risk assessment, fire safety