Digital Identification  ─  U-Clic™

The Building Safety Act 2022 now requires all professionals in the sector to work digitally. The ICM has established a Knowledge Partnership with Sysmax to create the Competence Registry following BS Flex 8670 framework. 

The ICM PAS 8671 / 2 / 3 : 2022 Trilogy™ is a unique one-stop-shop approach to having all the criteria of the statutory dutyholders' criteria in a single source of truth for the criteria.  Using advanced state-of-the-art technology of the Sysmax platform and range of available dashboards and reporting.

Run the short video to explain how to get onto the digital highway with a unique Digital Passport - U-Clic - to enable you to competently meet the challenges in 2024++

Run the short video that explains the ICM /Sysmax platform - this video shares some of the slides presented to the CIC H&S Committee for information and awareness ...

Members Briefings ...

... is a general area of our website where principally ICM Members will be able to share the Institute's network with other bodies with whom we collaborate with and interface for the benefit of all the sector ...

... ICM is an Associate Member of the Construction Industry Council [CIC] and are members of the CIC Building Safety Committee. 

ICM Members are invited to use the online <Contact> to offer to be considered to represent the ICM further and wider across the sector on the range of CIC Committees ...

Construction Industry Council

An incredible free resource of CIC briefings on many important topics for download ...

CIC Risk Management Briefings:


CIC Reports & Publications:


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