The Institute of Construction Management The Institute of Construction Management
The Voice of Construction Management ...
The Better Social Housing Review

Key messages challenge the way that the sector has developed in the three decades since housing associations became the alternative to what the Conservative government called the “municipal monopoly”

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1. Every housing association, and the sector as a whole, should refocus on their core purpose and deliver against it.

2. Housing associations should work together to conduct and publish a thorough audit of all social housing in England.

3. Housing associations should partner with tenants, contractors and front line staff to develop and apply new standards defining what an excellent maintenance and repairs process looks like.

4. The Chartered Institute of Housing should promote the traditional housing officer role as a supported and valued employment opportunity with a Chartered Institute of Housing
recognised programme
of training and continuing development.

5. Housing associations should work with all tenants to ensure that they  have a voice and influence at every level of decision making across the organisation, through both voluntary and paid roles.

6. Housing associations should develop a proactive local community presence through community hubs which foster greater multi-agency working.

7. Housing associations should support tenants and front line staff to undertake an annual review of the progress each organisation is making in implementing this review’s recommendations.

Accountable Persons MUST ensure the effective assessment and management of their building’s safety

ICM Blog: Building Safety Bill ─ Residents’ Voice




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